Sunday, February 20, 2011

Overpopulation Depression


I skimmed over an article on Yahoo! today about projections on how the world is going to look by 2050 population-wise. I couldn’t bring myself to read the entire article. For one, I can’t stand reading articles on the Internet; I’m a purist (I need to feel it – a newspaper, a magazine, etc - in my hands). Secondly, topics on overpopulation depress me and I start thinking about how having a child would contribute to this which then makes me feel like I’m carrying the Earth’s burden on my shoulders even though I, logically, know this to be ridiculous.

Ugh! It’s frustrating!

The countries with the most overpopulation are the poor ones. And the poor ones are usually the most religious. And those that are religious are against birth control. And here we go round and round the mulberry bush. I hate this topic. I wish religious institutions would get off their high-horse and discuss birth control. It would bring awareness to the dangers of STDs, it would bring awareness to unwanted pregnancies and its repercussions, and, most importantly, it would teach WOMEN responsible sexual activity not as a means of necessarily promoting it but to be protective and respective of one's body. Why are people so afraid of education? Why?

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