Saturday, February 26, 2011

Staying Involved


One of the most significant changes within the Lithuanian school community that I’ve noticed over the years is the number of dads that are involved. The school continuously operates on life support and it’s only by the dedication of its members that the school exists. While there are still more mothers that bring the kids to school, I’m impressed with the number of fathers who either bring the children themselves or come with their wives. None of us want to get up early Saturday morning and make the drive down to the school for 4 hours, but we do. A lot of the fathers are involved not just in bringing their kids but get on the parent committee to help put together events, parties and other school-related activities, and it makes me proud to be a part of a time where such behavior is acceptable. I have a cantankerous relationship with the Lithuanian community as a whole but like a family member I accept it for what it is and get out of it what I can and only hope that it gets out me something positive. It’s good for children to see both of their parents involved in any activity that they partake in. No, it’s not just good, it’s necessary. I know what it’s like to not have a parent (or two) come to something important to me and it’s a very lonely feeling. Having one parent participate is the cake while having both parents active in a child’s life is the icing.

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