Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Momma's Day


Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers – especially to my friends who just lost their baby. I know this day is painful for them.

I never knew the history of Mother’s Day so I, of course, looked it up and it’s really interesting! At least to me, as an historian.

It wasn’t until the Civil War that women banded together to find ways to honor the mothers whose sons were killed in the war. In the 1870s, it began as a “Mother’s Friendship Day,” and then over the years different names were given but it was the death of Anna Jarvis’ mother in 1905 that propelled her to campaign for a national Mother’s Day. There was an official city-wide Mother’s Day celebration in 1908 to which Anna brought 500 carnations catapulting that flower to become the symbol for Mother’s Day. In 1914, President Wilson named the 2nd Sunday in May as Mother’s Day, officially and nationally marking that day to acknowledge all the hard work that mothers do.

See, don’t you feel smarter already? ;)

P.S. My Internet was down and/or acting up last week, so I'm behind on the postings. Kinda annoying for me.

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