Thursday, April 22, 2010

Charter vs. Public, That Is The Question


A hot topic going around the LAUSD circuit is charter schools vs. your regular ol’ public school. In the beginning, I was willing to give charter schools a shot because they seemed to be on the right track in terms of what they wanted to achieve and the opportunities that they offered to students. But after two plus years of reading and listening to the people in education, I’m pretty much against them. And, ironically, I’m mostly against them because I went to a private school. [It’s not about me being snobby, I swear; hear me out.]

Charter schools get to create their curriculum any way they want meaning they don’t have to abide by No Child Left Behind. Now don’t’ get me wrong, I think NCLB is an abomination but, just like private schools, charter schools can create their own system without having to necessarily follow the educational laws. But charter schools are still considered to be a part of the State so they are publicly funded. Private schools don’t get money from the State. And they shouldn’t. They’re private. But then, why are charters exempt from following the law?

Second, charters get to accept any student they want. Just like a private school, they get to cherry pick their student body which means they’re only going to choose those that come from solid families and those whose grades are strong, not to mention how they look. (Trust me, these are weighed. I sat in on the meetings and was grilled in to making those judgments myself.) This process leaves many students even further behind. And again, all of this on the taxpayer’s dime.

Third example, and this isn’t really a complaint about charter schools, there’s a person I know whose child attends a charter school and I heard about many complaints from parents about the volunteer time that is required. You’re a freaking parent. You should be involved in your children’s education from all angles. When I was teaching, I constantly saw the same three parents doing all of the work whereas those parents who almost never showed were the ones complaining about how much time was required. Suck it up.

Fourth, there is no guarantee that a charter school is going to stay open the following year. They may have a contract that is good for a year or two but negotiations have to occur in order for the school to remain open. A lot of charter schools close down. So where do the students go? Back to their old schools where now the education has slipped even more because all the good students were distributed to different charter schools. This reshuffling increases stress on a school’s budget.

I will be the first person to proclaim that there needs to be serious educational overhauls, and I was a proponent as early as the 1990s when it was first proposed, to break up LAUSD. It’s too big and is unable to affectively run the thousands and thousands of students that attend its schools. The union needs to get rid of A.J. Duffy whose only interest is to maintain power but do nothing good and the entire system needs to break into pieces. It’s so exhausting to hear the same topics, the same debates, the same bullshit year after year when, in all honesty, only a handful of LAUSD employees truly care about the students’ welfare. Everyone else (administrators and bureaucrats at headquarters) is too concerned with taking home a bloated paycheck to really fight for what’s right.

[RIP, Jaime Escalante.]

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