Monday, June 14, 2010

Sex and the City 2


Sometimes we find a connection to things in the least expected places and at the least expected times. For reasons I won’t go into, my sister and I had the luck of having the afternoon free so we decided to grab the bull by the horns and finally go see the movie Sex and the City 2.

Now, I never watched the show when it was on TV. In fact, I loathed hearing about it and the only reason I saw the first movie is because my mother-in-law invited me and since we occasionally are movie buddies, I figured I didn’t want to turn down an opportunity to go see a movie with her. Plus, I saw it while my sister was in Korea for a year and I decided that in honor of her, a devout follower of the show, I would go see it. I ended up really liking the movie and since then will catch an episode here and there on cable and I begrudgingly have to admit that it’s a fun show.

Anyway, there’s a part in Sex and the City 2 where the characters Miranda and Charlotte are sitting at a bar and talking mom to mom. Miranda tells Charlotte to open up about motherhood and Charlotte, staying true to form, wouldn’t admit that anything was wrong. Then Miranda uttered words I never thought I would ever hear another woman say (other than maybe me):

“I love Bradley [her son]. Don’t get me wrong, I love him. But I miss my job. Being a mom is not enough.”

I actually started to well up at this part because for the first time, I didn’t feel alone.


  1. Hi VJB. I have been following your blog for some time now and wanted to let you know it's somewhat comforting to know that I am not the only woman out there who feels the way you do. I am 33 years old and as they say, my clock is ticking. I have an MBA, make over 6 figures and all my friends have kids or are having them. I've been married 8 years and just still don't know if being a mom is meant for me. I love kids, but... I also love my life with just me, my husband and the dog.

    I saw the movie too and felt the same way.

    Thanks for putting yourself out there and having the guts to say a lot of things that I want to believe many women think, but don't have the courage to stand up for due to society's expectations of us.

  2. Thank you! You have just made my day and gave purpose to one of the reasons why I started the blog. Keep searching for yourself and continue enjoying your life, and whatever decision you make remember it's *your* decision. Thanks again. :)
