Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dueling Philosophies


I recently signed up to be a part of a writers group for a few weeks and I can’t tell you how eager I was to start this new adventure. You know how a little kid realizes that they get to go to Disneyland? Or that X-mas, Channukah or their birthday is near? That was me.

Yesterday was our 2nd meeting and, for the 2nd week in a row, I came home flying high because of the incredibly positive environment in which I have found myself. My script has a lot of work and there are definitely challenges I need to overcome but what I’m finally blessed with is a group of people who come together for the sole reason of helping each writer better their story. I’ve been a part of classes and groups where people cut each other down or insist that their idea for your story is the only way to go and leave you feeling like shit. How many tears have I shed feeling like I was incapable of conveying a thought!?

There’s such a difference between the critique that I get this time around from what’s happened in the past. I finally fully understand what “constructive criticism” means.

OK, so how does this apply to "baby" instead of it looking like I’m putting myself up on some sort of pedestal? Well, here’s how.

When a child (or individual) is in environment that cultivates his/her interests and his/her self-esteem and when that environment makes it safe for him/her to try different things, the child can grow in a positive direction. The child can figure out from an early age what works for him and what doesn’t. When fear is taken out of the equation and when taking chances are encouraged under the auspices that it’s not the result that matters as much as the attempt, then a child can grow up asking him or herself not the question of “Why?” but “Why not?”

In regards to many aspects of my life, I’m getting tired of the former being the default.

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