Friday, July 30, 2010

Afraid to Discuss Contraception


In today's paper, there's an article about a woman in France who killed 8 of her infants over the course of 20 years because she didn't want to talk to her doctor about contraception.

I don't know the woman's history or religious beliefs, and it's somewhat odd that her 2 daughters in their 20s are standing behind their mom, but the whole situation disgusts me. Infanticide is not uncommon and there are apparently women who are aware that they're pregnant except that they don't register they're pregnant with a baby. Sounds crazy - because what else would a woman be pregnant with? - but I'll leave it to the psychologists and psychiatrists to diagnose and treat.

But the bigger issue that I'd like explored is WHY she was afraid to talk about contraception. Was it religious? Was she embarrassed? If so, about what? And why wasn't adoption a viable alternative?

The woman's husband claims he knew nothing of the 8 pregnancies and the police believe him. Take that however you will.

This is just one more example to me that underscores the ridiculous puritanical ways of our society. Yes this happened in France but we all know this happens in the States. Hundreds of newborns are abandoned and left to die and it just absolutely breaks my heart. Why can't we talk about and be comfortable with the issue of contraception and save a life?

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