Sunday, August 8, 2010

Children's Toys 1920s-1930s


Top 10 Children’s Toys 1920-1930:[1]

1. Pogo Sticks – Patented in 1919 in Germany and intended to be sold at a NY department store, but the wood rotted on the way. We still see this toy today.

2. Magic Slate – Created in the early 1920s, it is a piece of cardboard with a square of black wax attached on which is a clear piece of plastic. You draw on the plastic and when you wanted to draw something else, you lifted the plastic and it cleared the page. I remember playing with a version of this as a kid!

3. Duncan Yo-Yo – Pedro Flores moved from the Philippines, opened up a business selling wooden yo-yos only to be bought out by Donald Duncan who converted them to plastic and made millions. (Yo-Yo means “come, come.”)

4. Mickey Mouse Dolls – Disney created Mickey Mouse in 1926 and in 1928 a woman by the name of Charlotte Clark created a stuffed Mickey. In 1930 Disney merchandising was born and no one’s looked back financially since.

It's come a long way, eh?

5. Monopoly – The original version of this game dates back to 1883 by George S. Parker and after decades of changes and various other similar games, Monopoly as we know it today was born in 1935 and distributed by Parker Brothers.

Box cover.

Board game.

6. Sorry! – Also a Parker Bros. game it is based on Parcheesi with twists.

Box cover. Game board.

7. View-Master – The little view-finder with which you look at 3D postcards. I remember these!

This specific view-master might be from a later date.

8. Trampoline – George Nissan observed trapeze artists bouncing into safety nets after their acts and he created the trampoline for gymnasts to use in their routines.

This is probably more from the 1950s.

9. Cap Gun – Initially created from cast iron, these are toys that make a sound similar to a gunshot and have a small burst of smoke when fired. I hate guns for children. Always have. Always will.

10. Snoopy Sniffer – Created and marketed for Fisher-Price in 1938, this is a version of today’s Lil’Snoopy.

Snoopy Sniffer.

Descendent of Snoopy Sniffer.

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