Thursday, August 19, 2010

From Stroller to Jaws


I’m sure this post will offend moms. But oh well. Sorry. Sort of.

I hate those double-wide strollers. You know, the ones that take up ½ the sidewalk and are pushed by moms in overpriced jogging gear except that they’re actually walking because they’re on their cell phone and clueless that their sheep dog has pooped a mountain that they won’t clean up? Yes. Those strollers. I hate them. When I see one coming toward me, I hear the theme song to Jaws.

I don’t have a solution for this nuisance except that maybe if you’re going to insist on having two kids under the “I-can’t-walk-more-than-one-block” age, then at least get the 2-seater where one sits behind the other. In fact, I don't know why more parents don't use that kind of stroller; I see so few of them.

I don’t understand if children’s equipment designers can come up with seats that include mp3 players or strollers that can fold up to the size of a quarter, why can’t they come up with a double seater that’s comfortable and sleek but won’t need a sign that says, “Sidewalk closed. Use other side?” It’s annoying.

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