Wednesday, August 4, 2010

They Are Among Us


Today was an odd day. Thus, in the spirit of the strange, I’m going to deviate somewhat from the topic of children although, in the end, I really won’t have.

I spent my day volunteering at the Heritage Square Museum near downtown which is an architectural museum primarily focused on saving building from the Victorian era. They have 4 homes and a church stemming from the 1870s to the 1940s.

In February, during orientation, we were taken through all the buildings; my favorite part. I like to play a game with myself guessing what the family did in each room, what they thought about, what they dreamt about… I also couldn't shake the idea that a story was just waiting to come forth. And, knowing the houses are old, and believing in an afterlife, I wonder what floats through these homes.

While taken through the Hale house back in February, I remember entering the child’s room and immediately sensing a different energy. Now, I’m not psychic or telepathic or anything like that, and I view people who claim these things with skepticism. But I know what and how I felt the moment I stepped in.

It wasn’t urgency or terror. I just felt uncomfortable and on edge and noticed how this went away once in another room. Two months ago, I was in the house by myself logging and storing clothes from the Victorian era and every time I went into the child’s room, I tried to get what I needed quickly. In fact today, before knowing anything, I walked through the house with the director and some high school interns. When I went back to close a door to the child’s room, I was grateful that I didn’t need to walk through it to close the door on the other side of the room.

Talking with the director today, I learned that a paranormal reader got readings on the houses and the child’s room in the Hale house has strong activity. I nearly fell off the ladder I was standing on. I’m now not sure how to take in this information when I have to enter that house again. Especially when alone. But I feel like part of a mystery has revealed itself and in order for a story to come forth, I'd have to spend more time there.

What increased today’s “strange-o-meter” is that while my writing teacher and I were chatting, I happened to mention that one of my goals in life is to find this book that I read when I was interning as a reader 12 years ago. I couldn’t remember the title, the author or specifically what it was about but that I wanted to find it because I want to adapt it into a movie. I then told her what I did remember: it’s a sci-fi about genetically engineered kids called “non-sleepers” and “regular” kids called “sleepers.” Her immediate response was, “I have it.” “What?” I asked not totally understanding what was happening. “I have it. It’s on my desk. I know the author.” Let me explain again:

1. I’ve been searching for this book for 12 years.
2. I could remember nothing but two key words and a generic description.
3. Of all the millions of books, she has THAT book on her desk.

Sometimes we’re given signs and if we’re open to it, we see them. What they mean is the tricky part. Whatever the sign and however the meaning, it’s important to be aware they are among us. Signs, I mean. Or is it (children’s) ghosts I mean?

1 comment:

  1. As a life-long skeptic, I've only recently started to open myself up to the possibility of "signs." It sounds like you got them in spades yesterday, Missy!
