Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rare Genitalia Disorder Sparks Homosexuality Debate


I’m so angry about this that I don’t even know where to begin. A Los Angeles Times article on Sunday, August 15, 2010 reported on a rare genitalia disorder with which some children are born and how the proposed treatment has raised great concern for the gay community.

A prenatal pill is now available that can prevent “adrenal hyperplasia.” This condition affect 1:15,000 babies and almost all newborns are screened for it. What is it, you ask? A child is born with ambiguous genitalia. This is not an issue of being a hermaphrodite. Heavy accumulation of male hormones has collected within the body that the genitals are so masculinized that it’s difficult to determine the baby’s gender. It affects both boys and girls but, obviously, it’s more problematic for girls. Proponents for this pill argue that it will make sure that the girl will not “become” a lesbian.

The pill does nothing to treat or cure the condition once it happens in utero but the controversy behind it is the way it’s being marketed, as if being gay is a disease that can be fixed.

This pill hasn’t been researched enough on humans and on the tests in animals the risks have included: increased risk of high blood pressure, changes in glucose metabolism (what monitors your inter-conversion of carbs), changes in brain structure and brain function that lead to memory problems.

What appalls me is the wish to manipulate cells because they are a part of what will become a human who might be gay. Or let’s consider the argument that a human life starts at conception. This pill alters normal development risking this life so that, as believed by many, he/she won’t choose being gay one day.

Interestingly, most of the 143 girls tracked in a 2008 study who weren’t treated for the condition prenatally were found to be heterosexual. And of this 143, more women considered themselves bisexual or homosexual than in a control group.

Why is there so much need to control and manipulate someone’s life? And now this issue is affecting those before they are even born… If there is a God and this God creates a child in a certain way, why do we reject him/her because he/she is not OUR ideal? Does not God say to love, to respect and to accept each other because each of us is a part of Him? And if we are all a part of Him but we seek to manipulate cells and control a particular outcome of someone’s life because the lifestyle is unacceptable to us, aren’t we then rejecting God?

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