Thursday, August 12, 2010

Why on the Carpet?


I’m taking a break from “history week” because I had an incident occur this morning that made me think of my post from last week re: signs.

Rob and I have two cats, three years apart. All pet owners, like parents about their kids, think that their pet is the most awesome, the most adorable, and all-around best pet in the world. I’m no different.

This week I’m sick and am desperately trying to get better because I have fun things planned for this weekend and I don’t want to cancel anything, although it’s not looking so good. On top of feeling crappy, my general emotional bar is very low. And a contributing factor to my current malaise is that not only am I not exercising but also I’m not doing my stretches for my back. So this morning, I told myself that after I fed the cats, no matter how hungry I was, I was going to do my stretches. Then immediately after I made that promise to myself, the negotiations kicked in. But I persevered.

I laid out my yoga mat and had my balance ball and other equipment all ready to go. Nothing was going to derail me. Both cats, bellies full, joined me in my room with the older one settling in on a blanket and the younger one on the windowsill. I got through my first stretch when all of the sudden I heard coughing sounds. I turned to look and found that the younger cat had thrown up all over the windowsill and it was slowly making its way down the wall.

“Really?” I said to myself. After all it took to get set up for my stretches and now I have to clean up cat vomit? And why do they always choose the carpeted areas?

As I cleaned up the mess, resigned to the moment, I couldn’t help but think how this just shows how I’m ready to have kids. I’m not saying that I’m jumping for joy and want to get pregnant now, but if we go that route, I’m ready. Kids are messy and they will turn your schedule upside down just like my awesome, adorable and all-around best cat in the world.

After cleaning it all up, I went back to my stretches and I completed them all. And now, as I sit writing this, both cats are in the room with my barfy one snuggled up on my lap.

There are people who don’t understand why I (we) have pets. They say they’re so much work and all you do is clean up after them. Yes, but these same people don’t see the other side: all the joy, the laughter, and the love that they bring. I wouldn’t trade that kind of enrichment for anything in the world.

I guess that same sentiment can be said about kids.

“Really?” asks the skeptic in me.


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