Thursday, September 23, 2010

Seeking Help to Quell Nausea


OK, moms… Someone I know is dealing with morning and all day sickness. Anyone else experience it really badly? What worked for you? She has tried peppermint tea, ginger and some other things but nothing seems to work. Any suggestions are much appreciated.


  1. Hi Vejune... let me say that I know what your friend is going through. I suffered Morning Sickness for the whole 9 months for both my pregnancies! I tried everything, from holistic to modern day meds! I eventually had to take the doctor prescribed med, Zofran, so I could take care of my older daughter. I didn't take Zofran during my 1st because I was afraid too and didn't have to take of a little one.

    Some things she might want to try before going medication, if she hasn't already. These all worked for a little while with my 2nd pregnancy. Here goes: Preggie Pops Morning Sickness Lollipops, BioBands Acupressure Bands, B-Natal TheraPops or B-Natal Lozenges, Acupuncture.

    I am sure she has tried these but just in case: Eat several small meals per day instead of three large ones. Have some crackers and soda or water by the bed and try eating a few before you rise in the morning. An empty stomach often results in more nausea. Drink lots of fluids. Some women find carbonated water flavored with lemon to be quite soothing. Eat foods that are high in protein and carbohydrates. Avoid fatty or spicy foods, which are more likely to cause nausea. Get plenty of rest and take prenatal vitamins. Avoid strong odors or smells that can induce nausea. Avoid lying down immediately after eating.

  2. thanks so much for the suggestions. i passed along the info. "morning sickness lollipops?" i wonder what's in those... interesting. :)
